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Revolutionizing Car Parking Management with Seamless Connectivity

Project Brief

Stymeta Technologies, a mobile app development company in Mumbai, collaborated with Pullover to address the challenges faced by both car owners and valet service providers in managing parking spaces efficiently. The result of this collaboration is the Pullover mobile app, that connects car owners with valet providers, streamlining the car parking process and enhancing user experience.




Oct 2023


Landing page, Android & iOS app, Logo Design






The current digital ecosystem lacked an effecient solution that connects car owners and valet providers, leading to inefficiencies and communication gaps. Car owners faced challenges in tracking their parked vehicles, and valet providers struggled with manual, outdated parking management systems.

The need for a reliable and user-friendly solution to address these pain points became apparent.

The Solution

Stymeta Technologies undertook a holistic approach to address the challenges posed by Pullover. The design phase commenced with the creation of a distinctive and memorable logo, representing the essence of the app – a seamless connection between car owners and valet providers.

The landing page design aimed at providing a clear and concise overview of Pullover’s features, ensuring a positive first impression for potential users. The mobile UI/UX design focused on an intuitive and user-friendly interface, enhancing the overall experience for both car owners and valet providers.

Leveraging the flexibility of React Native, our development team crafted a robust Android and iOS app. The use of React Native ensured cross-platform compatibility, allowing Pullover to reach a broader audience. The app seamlessly integrated features for valet providers to manage parking efficiently and for car owners to receive timely notifications about their parked vehicles.


The collaboration between Stymeta Technologies and Pullover yielded positive results, as the app successfully addressed the identified problems and exceeded expectations. While specific statistics are confidential, the feedback from users and stakeholders highlighted the app’s effectiveness in enhancing the overall car parking experience. Valet providers benefited from streamlined management processes, while car owners appreciated the convenience of real-time notifications and easy tracking.



The successful development and deployment of Pullover by Stymeta Technologies showcase our commitment to providing innovative solutions that bridge gaps in the market. By combining thoughtful design, user-centric development, and the power of React Native technology, Pullover has emerged as a game-changer in the car parking industry.

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